02 November 2009

Can Obama Win The 2012 Election?

Transiting Pluto trine Pluto, not too bad.

Lunations have looked very good to his chart for major events in his life:

05 February 1990 – Elected first black president of the Harvard Law Review.
Solar Eclipse conjunct Pluto
New Moon trine Pluto
1/4 Moon trine Sun

03 October 1992 – Married Michelle.
Solar Eclipse trine Neptune sextile Pluto
Lunar eclipse square Mars trine Uranus

18 July 1995 – “Dreams from My Father” published.
Solar Eclipse opposite Neptune trine Pluto
Lunar Eclipse square Saturn sextile Uranus
New Moon sextile Pluto

27 July 2004 – Keynote address at DNC.
Solar Eclipse sextile Jupiter
Lunar Eclipse sextile Vertex
New Moon opposite Saturn

02 November 2004 – Elected to Senate.
Solar Eclipse conjunct P.Fortune
Lunar Eclipse square Sun sextile Vertex

04 January 2005 – Sworn in as Senator.
Same eclipses as above
New Moon sextile AC
Full Moon sextile Pluto

10 February 2007 – Announced candidacy for president.
Solar Eclipse trine Jupiter
Lunar Eclipse opposite Vertex
New Moon square P.Fortune
Full Moon conjunct Sun

03 June 2008 – Becomes presumptive Democrat nominee.
Solar Eclipse conjunct AC
Lunar Eclipse sextile Venus
New Moon sextile Sun

05 November 2008 – Wins presidency.
Solar Eclipse conjunct Sun
Lunar Eclipse opposite Uranus
New Moon sextile Pluto

20 January 2009 – Sworn in as president.
Same eclipses as above
New Moon trine Pluto
Full Moon sextile Mars

So now for the next election.

06 November 2012 – Presidential election.
Solar Eclipse trine Jupiter
Lunar Eclipse trine Sun
Full Moon trine Pluto

They are very promising lunations, and added to that Pluto transit he would have a good shot at it if he does run.

Funkstar 02 November 2009