26 October 2009

Baghdad hit by Coordinated Attacks

Shortly after 10am today in central Baghdad, a series of explosions within 10 minutes targeted Government buildings and the Green Zone, killing atleast 75 and injuring more than 310. This comes exactly six years after the first major attack in Baghdad following the US invasion. I've had a look at the transits to the Republic of Iraq Horoscope and the astrology supports this chart as being very workable for todays Iraq.
Smoke rises over central Baghdad after explosion

The horoscope below for the Republic of Iraq has Mercury and the fixed star Dubhe rising. Well we're off to a bad start with this star, Ebertin says "Credited with the destructiveness of Mars, working itself out particularly in mundane maps, in a nasty way if conjunct Saturn. Conjunct Hitler's Saturn, Mao Tse Tung's Moon."[1] Pluto is also in Ursa Major on Phecda "a great blood bath". More fortunate though is Jupiter on Spica but it is associated with injustice to the innocents.

It's not surprising that this Iraq horoscope has a tight Yod configuration to the Sun. The Sun is always the most powerful part of any chart, and in mundane astrology it represents the seat of power and the identity of the nation. This nation represents one of the oldest civilization in the world, where writing was invented, where our modern religions and mythologies can trace their roots to. Ancient Sumeria is also where the first recorded iterpretations for astrology have been discovered. Such a long history and this chart is just representative of the latest incarnation. The Yod points to an issue which has been brewing for some time. In this case the national identity itself and the role of the leadershp. Being in the 12th house this is related to state religion. Interestingly this has been a major cause of the tens of thousands of deaths of iraqi civilians since this latest invasion. The struggle for power between the two major Muslim sects.

Republic of Iraq

Republic of Iraq

Exactly six years ago in 2001 "A suicide car bomber destroyed the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad on 19 August, killing 22 people, including Secretary-General Kofi Annan's Special Representative for Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello. The attack, which occurred at 4:45 p.m. Baghdad time, injured over 100" [UN Chronical]

On that day the Sun was conjunct Venus on the fixed stars Alfard and Adhafera, mentioned in the previous blog about tomorrows new Moon. "Liquid Fire". Here are the major transits for this 2003 bombing to the Iraq horoscope (precession correction of 38'):

Neptune opposite Uranus (06') - religious rebellion.

Uranus opposite Pluto (20') - more rebellion, this time against the ultimate power.

Sun trine Mars (05') trine vertex (10') - destined act of war.

Chiron opposite Fortunae (10') - shows the accuracy of the Iraq horoscope, wounding of the countries fortunes.

MC conjunct Jupiter (99') - ?

Vertex conjunct AC (64') - the timing device shows this is an accurate chart for Iraq.

Scene of blast near Foreign Ministry

With that event alone I'm happy with using the Republic chart. For todays attack, the news reports said "shortly after 10am" for the first bombing so i cast the chart for 10:03am. The Sun again is on the firery stars Alfard and Adhafera, this time as both action point and reaction point of two powerful yods. The Iraq chart also has the Yod with Sun at the action point. Precession correction is 43': Transiting Sun is forming the same grand trine to mars and vertex as in the 2003 bombing.

Lunar Eclipse conjunct DC (100') - the DC in mundane astrology is war and the enemy, aswell as allies. This will be in focus for the rest of the year.

Neptune is at the midpoint of the Mars Vertex trine, being oppsoite the transiting Sun.

Saturn square Saturn (20') - aspecting the Yod.

Jupiter conjunct Chiron (52') - aspecting Yod.

Mars opposite Vertex (11') - destined attack again, this chart works.

Venus conjunct Sun (41') - Yod activated.

Moon conjunct Uranus (41')

AC conjunct Jupiter (13') - ?????

The Republic chart has Jupiter on Spica, said to be most fortunate. In both these major attacks, this star is activated. This is the one real supposed good point about the Iraq horoscope. That is interesting. Could anything good possibly come out of this? I do find that hard to believe. Perhaps just as malefic planets and stars have the potential for higher manifestations, these fortunate planets and stars have the potential for lower manifestations, especially if the rest of the chart supports a more malefic outcome.

Funkstar 19 August 2009

[1] Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.49.

1 comment:

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