On 04 June 2009, Barack Obama delivered a speech at Cairo University titled "A New Beginning", fulfilling his pre election promise to give a major address to the global Muslim community. The address was generally well received and may have played a part in the social unrest associated with the Iranian presidential elections. In his speech, Obama gave hope to the Palestinian cause when he stated:
"Israelis must acknowledge that just as Israel's right to exist cannot be denied, neither can Palestine's. The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements. This construction violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace. It is time for these settlements to stop." [full text]
Cairo Speech
Today, less than fours months after that historic speech, Barack Obama reneged on his words of hope to the Muslim world. In meetings at the U.N. General Assembly with Israeli president Netanyahu and Palestinian president Abbas, "President Obama dropped a demand for an Israeli settlement freeze, U.S., Israeli and Palestinian officials said." CNN
This is not going to go down well in the Muslim world. Palestinian Statehood is at the center of the Islamic struggle against Israel and America. Obama gave hope to progressives in Iran. Loosing face is not highly regared in Islam.
The astrology as usual is very intersting in this area. Just like the story though, it is a complex web with many players. For that reason I want to concentrate on the horoscope of Barack Obama, and compare it to the Cairo University speech, and todays about face in New York.
The Ascendant at the beginning of this speech was 18aqu04. Obama's Ascendant is 18aqu04.
Transiting Pluto 02cap27 opposing Obama's Venus 01can47.
Asteroid America 29sco13, on Obama's MC 28sco53.
Asteroid Israel 22vir52, on Obamas Mars 22vir35.
Asteroid Palestrina 02leo27 on Obama's Mercury 02leo20.
The New Moon before the speech at 03gem28 was on Obama's Moon and the transiting Moon at the time of the speech was on Obama's Neptune. Was this deliberate deception, double dealing behind closed doors with the Israelis? Natally Obama has Sun square that Neptune.
The U.N. Meeting with Abbas
Obama - Abbas meeting
Transiting Moon rising at 18sco55 squares Obama's Ascendant 18aqu04.
Transiting Jupiter at 17aqu51 conjuncting his Ascendant.
Asteroid Palestrina at 13vir20 now on his Vertex 12vir54.
The Vertex at 02can35 on his Venus 01can47.
So two main things in Obama's chart were hit off on both occations, his Venus and Ascendant.
In Cairo transiting Pluto opposed Obama's Venus, and in New York the Vertex at the start of his meeting with Abbas was conjunct his Venus. Talking about relations between two people with transiting Pluto opposing natal Venus, Hand says: "The tactics are usually subversive rather than those of open confrontation" [1].
Barack Obama
In Cairo, the Ascendant at the beginning of Obama's speech was conjunct his Ascendant. In New York, the transiting Moon and Ascendant were square his Ascendant, and transiting Jupiter conjunct it. Obama's Ascendant at 18aqu04 is on the fixed star alpha Delphinius, Sualocin 17aqu55. "It gives a simple appearance, cheerfulness, dissembling and duplicity" [2]. Dissembling means to disguise and conceal behind a false appearance. Duplicity is deliberate deceptiveness and double-dealing.
Funkstar 23 September 2009
[1] Planets in Transit, Robert Hand, 2001, p.500.
[2] Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.43.
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